First of all before making a scence, which I did was create a workflow. By creating a Workflow, you have a solid foundation for continued future action.

1.Bassic concept
At the beginning of my work, I do not have the Strong basic foundation.My bassic concept must be unique,detail and unussual.i need to find keywords that are appropriate to move forward. So I found a keyword = FACTORY. With that keyword,i could save time for work and not keep thinking about things outside my concept.Thats why if you have strong concept,you dont care anymore about the object refrence kit from people give to you.You have strong circle of imagine form your bassic concept.

2.Theme of bassic concept
FACTORY have lots of concept,form new open factory,cars factory,to destroy and burn out factory like steampunk theme.In my case,i study and collect photos in my own neighberhood,3 type of factory in my town ,books and internet refrence.This is not easy,theres a superb massive concept about factory theme..this is need more time.

3.Personal Concept Achivment
After reaserching and collect some idea,we mix with all data reasserch collection....and...i found in good theme = old rustic and silent area factory,wich not use anymore.In this stage,iam not worry about the detail,object or anything that need more time to think,because i have strong bassic concept that include area,enviroment,detail,accecories,and structure building it self.

4.3d realization
Finaly ,i move to making 3d realization scence.In this part,i need to skecth,wich way or wich angle view camera that can use,and what part form refrence kit that i need to modify.

1.Image no 1 is good,but lack of view and enviroment. if i attach more tree,add texture,put sunlight ect..?it will be more chaotic,i dont like the fact that lack of space,in this view,make more job to add more texture and tree.

2.Image no 2 is usually doing with night scence style.It is fit with grass,even pool.But,where can i put rustic and all parts?..i guest its more space.The Good News is,after 2 hours spend on it i finaly can take more deeper cause the camera angle its more nice in here.

3.Image no 3 ?hmm..every project that i did,is normaly angle view like this.This camera view is common and many people do this. In Fact,if i add more sun,cars,ect,it cannt take more far,cause the camview is only see the front view,but behind the building,is not.

After find good angle,then i looking for the sky for enviroment. You can find nice and good sky enviroment in here
By click ALT+B in view camera,select the place that you save image,and click display background.After you did, put your same image in enviroment ,and material slot.Now the sky can show in your prespective.You can match and know where is the good cloud enviroment that match with your building.In this stage,i use vray sun ,so i can get some shadow and depht from building.This is vray sun setting that i use for it.

after making enviroment, i begin to textureing ,with unwarp method.

All The texture is FREE,you can find in cgtextures.com
With the size texture is average 3000x2000 to 6000x6000,you have nice,clean and detail texture.I also use Total Texture volume 2 Old and Rusk.This is some sample material i used for it.

During I unwarp and put some grass,i am using advance painter script for grass from herman saksono,and rock generator script for creating small stone,pebble and rock i also making enviroment accecories old factory in deffrent scence file.