Creating Background using Plane

I've made this one para macustomize pa natin lalo ang paggamit ng background. I've used plane on this one. also, to answer OwpieH's query about it. 

The same concept applies to using cylinder or bended planes. here it goes: 

1. First make sure that your camera is pointed perpendicular to the plane (although not all the time), but see to it that you plane fits on the camera as not to have gaps between the max's background and your plane makeshift background.

2. Point your sun (in this case it's a direct light) towards the background to light it up. If in any case your sun should come from behind, Just add an omni that is specifically focused on the plane alone. You can do this by utilizing include/exclude objects under lighting parameters(check max help for more info).

3. Match the intensity of you sun to your background. 

4. Calibrate your background to fit the scene by moving up and down or left to right your plane object. 

5. Hit render and that's it. Goodluck!

Plan View of the Setup 

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